10 August 2008


I’m building a successful business and have found true financial freedom - all while being a ‘Work at Home Mom’.

A year and a half ago my daily routine was spent rushing my daughter off to Before Care in the morning, spending eight hours-a-day in an unfulfilling job, fighting the commute traffic home, cooking dinner, helping my daughter with her homework, putting her to bed, then preparing to do it all over again the next day.

I knew there had to be a better way, one that would allow me to enjoy raising my daughter and also offer the financial security necessary for my family.

I am now a Work At Home mom who is one of more than 50,000 Independent Business Owners (IBO) who have joined AmeriPlan®, all working toward building financial freedom from home.

I had always dreamed of owning my own business so that I could have the flexibility to be the nurturing figure in my child's life. This was very important to me, so I left my corporate management job in 2007. I found myself searching for something I could do from home... this is when I found AmeriPlan®. AmeriPlan® offered a simple system to follow that I could work around my family’s schedule.

I help people save money on their health care expenses (including cosmetic procedures) and assist others who want to make money by offering our great benefits. In less than 6 months, I became a Regional Sales Director with AmeriPlan®. I now have fun working part time from home – all around my daughter’s schedule, and have more time to spend doing things I love. I no longer spend hours in rush-hour traffic, and I'm on track to earn career level income being my own boss.

The training, support and leadership within the Freedom At Home Team is amazing! Anyone who is coachable, trainable and has the desire to succeed can do so on this team. I am proof that their system works. Game On!
